Thursday, February 9, 2012

Friday's Fences

It's been a while since I have ventured so far from the houses - there has been a coyote approaching people with dogs on the other side of the river. But he has not been seen in a couple of weeks, so we headed out for a good long walk today.
 The crust on the snow could hold my weight most of the time, so it was easy walking.
 I captured fences, and shadows of fences to show you.
To see more fences, visit Jan and Jer.


  1. cool shots...glad you were able to get out to walk...

  2. Love the barbed fences. We still have a few on the place too...careful on your walks especially with a brave coyote...

  3. Beautiful compositions, I like those blue and white. Greetings.

  4. So much barbed wire and yet a gentleness.

  5. February is Coyote mating season. I have seem some here too.
    Nice to see you have snow. We haven't had a whole lot of that this year and I almost miss it!

  6. love your Friday Fences photos, it's great to meet another Canadian blogger

  7. Nice shot...Guess you really have to have eyes everywhere when looking out for Coyotes!

  8. great shots. oh my goodness i would be a nervous wreck if coyotes were around. my parents would have black bear cubs coming into their yard eating their blueberries. got a picture of them from the back porch. so pretty to get the picture. but scary if you might be out & raking or something. dangerous. keep safe. (:

  9. Great fence captures! I like the aged wooden poles and the rusty barbed wire.

  10. Wonderful shots...I like them up close and personal like this but never seem to take any myself.

  11. Like your fence closeups. Sharp eye to spot the shadow opportunity. The coyote's lurking about is concerning. Do they get especially bold in the winter with hunger? I would worry too if I had a smaller breed dog.
