Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Watery Wednesday

There is ice on the pond now,
 and frost crystals have formed on some cattails lying on the ice.
 To see more watery shots, some of them even liquid, click the icon on the right.


  1. Those are awesome captures! So much delicate beauty! Superb!


  2. Amazing photos! We so rarely get very cold weather here in Melbourne and it almost never snows so I am fascinated by these frosty/snowy/wintry shots!

  3. These shot are absolutely amazing. I have never seen anything like them. They are awesome. At first I thought it was a piece of wood...never imagined it was cattails. Your macro soy the ice and frost are just toooo beautiful. genie

    Water come to me,
    flow over my aging toes,
    bring your soothing touch.

  4. mother nature has beautiful artwork...brrr so cold looking...

  5. I have never seen anything like this. The ice looks like feathers or needles of a tree. I want to touch it (and dare i say- break off just a tiny bit?).

  6. Great shots!
    Your frost crystals are beautiful!

  7. wow, that´s very long crystals. And so well captured. :)

  8. How precious! I drove past the other day. Didn't have time to pop in.
    My wee frog pond was frozen, but has thawed with 2+ temperatures today.
    Cheers from snowy Cottage Country!

  9. Ooh, truly impressive crystals. They look so soft and feathery, especially in the last shot :)
