Thursday, October 20, 2011

More Skeins of Geese

I am still watching the geese
in the mornings,
approaching their feeding grounds for the day.
 They are gleaning the fields after the soybean and corn harvests.


  1. I love the patterns they love love your new header...

  2. This is the first time I mention on blogland, when I was 17, there were flying foxes in Borneo. They flew like your geese.

  3. Goodmorning Judy,
    I like your air shots. Such a nice feel to them.
    You taught me a new word: skein.
    I knew it as in 'a skein of wool', but had to look it up in the C.O.D. and found that your usage is the other correct one in a 'skein of geese', which is actually geese in flight, as compared to a 'gaggle of geese', which are those on the ground. Isn't the English language marvellous to make comparisons like that. Wonderful. I love learning new words or new definitions for old ones.
    I will return the favour by saying that yesterday I tried to photograph a 'bevy of quails', but they were far too quick for me.
    BTW, we are also in the Northern hemispere [uk] and the green fields you saw are in our Autumn as well. It still amazes me that we seem to have fresh crops the year round.

  4. Beautiful photos. I love those geese in flight.

  5. Love these! I'm waiting for a clear morning so I can get some photos like these!

  6. Wonderful! I like to watch the birds flock, but it means that it soon will be winter here..
    Happy week!
