Friday, August 12, 2011

Russian Sage

This garden is down the street from me, and simply incredible.
 There is no front lawn, just some thyme at the road, and then the echinacea and yellow flowers. and Russian sage. (And peppers and tomatoes and the house)
But it is so hard to take a photo of Russian sage by itself...


  1. Very pretty. I'm sure the whole garden is a real picture.

  2. It's like Granny's garden - sweet and enchanting:)

  3. The flowers are beautiful. Lucky you!

  4. I can't find Russian Sage in my herbal I wonder if its other name is Perovskia which I have in my garden and looks very much like this

  5. These flowers are much more beautiful than brown grass would be.

  6. I really admire someone with the gumption to plant a garden and not grass in the front yard. (If I still had a house, I think now I'd want to do it.) Beautiful flowers -- and I love that they even have some veggies and herbs in it.

  7. Lovely flowers and your photos, too.


  8. you take such beautiful flower photos. I agree with you about photographing Russian Sage. it's so lovely yet elusive to capture well. it likes to give us a challenge! happy Saturday to you.

  9. Sounds wonderful. I really like front yard gardens. They bring a cheerfulness to the neighbourhood.

  10. Thank you for identifying a flower I see all along the roadways! Sometimes I get really lazy. Knowing I'm seeing Russian Sage is great.

  11. I love Russian sage and so do the butterflies. Add black eyed susan, coneflower and sedum and you have the bulk of my garden beds. They do well in the midwest heat and are very forgiving of my lack of attention. Lovely photos.
