Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bur Cucumber

The bur cucmbers are still flowering madly, but they are starting to set fruit.
 The larger one is nearly an inch long now, and will perhaps double in size before it quits for the year. The fruits are not edible, but will make good Christmas decorations after most of the fibre is gone.


  1. The second photo looks like a surrealist painting or something. You really have a good eye.

  2. I really like the way you framed your shots. I don't think I've ever seen a bur cucumber before. Interesting.

  3. I've read about these while researching something else but I don't think I've ever seen any.
    The second shot is my favorite. I love the spikes and the curly vine.
    Great find for sharing Judy!

  4. I don't think I have seen these before! How interesting - off to look them up and learn more!

  5. I have never seen this before. Do they dry well?

  6. I haven't seen this before, and it looks very interesting.

  7. How cool is this! I take it these are going to be a fruit you have to order, and won't be able to find in stores?

  8. I don't think I've ever seen these before. They are very interesting.

  9. Lovely shots! This is a first for me.

  10. So far I have only seen the flowers. A couple of times this year I've gotten the feeling that nature where you live is slightly ahead of where I live. I think that's fascinating!
