Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Anise Hyssop

There is a lovely patch of anise hyssop near the walking trail, and I stop to admire it often. There are a couple bird feeders in the area, and the dogs prefer to check for squirrels...
 The bees spend a lot of time here.


  1. I haven't heard of this flower. Is it a wildflower? It looks fragrant. Beautiful shots.

  2. I LOVE Anise Hyssop! It reseeds in little pockets in my garden and always seems to land in just the right place. The bees love it and I love the scent :)

  3. I have never heard or seen this lovely flower! The bees must adore it.

  4. Incredible beauty!!! [and the spider photos below this post are quite spectacular too]

    HOT TOWN SUMMER IN THE CITY is my link for Thursday's Themesong.

  5. busy bee....pretty flower...
