Thursday, June 9, 2011

Vultures at Spy Rock

You can see Spy Rock high on the cliff above Westport.
 When we got there, we could see the vultures soaring in the thermals. 
There may have been a dozen of them.
And here you can see one of the hundreds of dragonflies, as well!


  1. Oh, I really like the name Spy Rock. Near where I live there is a city called White Rock that is also a little hilly … but without the vultures. I enlarged your photo of the dragonfly and found the perspectives interesting. Getting the dragonfly and distant birds in one shot is amazing. I could even see through its little propeller wings. :)

  2. Great shots of the vultures. Spy Rock looks like it has a fantastic view.

  3. Hi! Thank you for stopping by my blog,! Love your banner and you have a lovely blog with so many wonderful pics!

  4. You got great pictures of the vultures, and I enjoyed the dragonfly as well.
