Friday, May 27, 2011

Macro Flowers Saturday

This variety of bleeding heart is called Goldheart;
 I am assuming that is because of the golden colour of the leaves.
 For more macros of flowers from around the world, click the icon on the right.


  1. I really didn't know bleeding hearts until I moved into this home four years ago and inherited pink and white ones. Now, I anticipate their return each spring.
    Lovely shots Judy!

  2. Bleeding hearts are some of my favorite flowers!!! I'm going to link this to Guest Heart Thursday if you don't mind?


  3. Oh what a treat, I don't see these often enough and this one is gorgeous. Have a great weekend Judy.

  4. Beautiful shots! I really like the last photo with the almost perfect heart in the upper left corner.

  5. Their Polish name is also heart:)

  6. Lovely pink bleeding harts.
    I like the flowers of this small bush, though I don't see them often around here.
    Beautiful shots.

  7. Beautiful photos of these flowers of bright hues.
