Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Various Irises

Irises from three different gardens,
 colours I like,
 gathered into a bouquet 
 for you to enjoy.

Watery Wednesday

I tried going to the pond without the dogs, to see if the parents would let me get closer to the goslings.
 Very briefly, but they were afraid I had the dogs in my pockets, and headed for the safety of the water again.
 You can see that the smallest family is also the youngest, still yellow where their cousins are graying with age.
 For more photos of water and its fascinations, click the icon on the right.

Species Peonies

Someone asked what species peonies were - 
 they are the ones the plant breeders started with,
 to create the peonies we know and love.
 There are not a lot of differences in the blossoms,
 but the leaves are another story. These ones look as if they should be soft,
 but they all feel like normal peony leaves - 
 thick, rather slick, and, especially on this day, wet.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Unknown Flower

If anyone knows what sort of a plant this is, please let me know. 
 I have labelled it "Fragrant" in my files, because the scent is heavenly.
 It is a spreading shrub a couple of feet tall, with nothing special about it, unless it is blooming.

House Fire

This lovely stone house burned last week.
 No one has been living in it for months now, so the fire department doesn't know how it started.
 This photo is looking up into the ceiling of that front balcony, so you can see the damage to the wood,
 and the soot stains.
 I did not photograph the coffee cups and empty creamers that were left in the front yard...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Today's Flowers

I stopped at the college on Friday after work, and found an iris I had not seen before. This is called Klingon Princess. Husband agrees with me that it seems awfully subtle to be Klingon, royal or otherwise. But what surprises me is that it seems to be the same variety that has been in my garden since we bought the house 23 years ago.
 These are from my front garden; don't they look the same to you?
For more flowers from around the world, click the icon on the right.

Friday, May 27, 2011


There are definitely three goose families at the pond.
 The parents put their heads down to threaten us if we get too close to their babies.

Macro Flowers Saturday

This variety of bleeding heart is called Goldheart;
 I am assuming that is because of the golden colour of the leaves.
 For more macros of flowers from around the world, click the icon on the right.

Rain on the Irises

The rain did stop for a day or two, and I captured these raindrops on my irises.

False Lupine

The true lupines at the college are not blooming yet,
 but the false ones are.

Skywatch Friday

For more skies from around the world, click the icon on the right.

Rain Dance

Rain Dance is a standard dwarf bearded iris, 
 according to the label at the college.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oriental Limelight Wormwood

The college has a large patch of this wormwood, and I love the colour of it. I have included a peony plant which is slowly being overtaken, and a dandelion, so you can see the contrast.