Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Turkey Vulture

I took a drive on Sunday, and saw this fellow coasting along, ahead of me.
 By the time I reached him, he was perched on the roof of a house, surveying the terrain.
I took about 20 shots of him, and these are all the ones I kept. The house was posted, so I couldn't get any closer, and he saw no reason to move.


  1. aren't they different looking...we see alot of them flying around...just not landing so I get get good photos..

  2. We saw several Turkey Vultures near our cabin when we visited Arkansas last month. They are interesting birds.

  3. So neat. I don't think I've ever been that close to one of these. Very nice shots.

  4. Looks like he is quite a celebrity. You want my face, you pay. paparazzi
