Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Watery Wednesday

It's time to get cyberwet again, 
 so I thought I would share some photos of my little snowflake, Annie, doing what she does best in the winter.
 There have been drifts where she has to walk behind me (horrors!) so that I can break a trail for her.
 Click the icon on the right, to see wetness from the rest of the world!!


  1. It's nice to see that someone is enjoying all the snow of this year.

  2. How great is that! I feel sorry for her cold little feet. I've never seen anything like that. She looks so cute with her face full of snow.

  3. I guess watery wednesday starts inside when she
    begins to de-snow! Funny!

  4. Annie is so sweet. I'm babysitting a mini-schnauzer for three weeks and it's tough going for a walk in deep snow! :)

  5. Just another form of 'snow shoes'. Thanks for sharing. FAB.

  6. Great photos of your adorable dog. My dog has the same problem with snow and fur, it is a commitment to let him go outside! They love the snow though, don't they?

  7. How sweet! OMG, those cold feet!

    Warm hugs!

  8. Annie looks so sweet, and the first picture is adorable!

  9. OH, my goodness... just too cute! That top photo is adorable! Though I can image the wet, drippy mess once home was not as fun. ;o) Happy Day, Judy!

  10. now those are some snowballs...great photos...

  11. Annie needs a hair dryer when she gets home. She needs doggie snow shoes or boots!! What a mess, huh?

  12. Very nice photo of your lovely dog!

  13. These are so cute but she looks so cold! :)
    Reminds me of snow on my gloves as a kid.

  14. awww somebody looks like he had a lot of fun -so cute :)
