Monday, January 31, 2011


Still playing with my food.
 The stores have fresh asparagus, although I don't know where it was grown.

Cucumber Slices

Eating my lunch at work yesterday, I was struck by the design of the cucumber slices.
 So, today I was playing with my food.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Today's Flowers

Queen Anne's lace flowers become a cluster after they go to seed, so they catch the snow.
 To see more flowers from around the world, click the icon to the right.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Goldenrod in the Snow

There are a dozen sorts of goldenrod, and at least two of them live around here,
 to catch the snow in winter.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Macro Flowers Saturday

The snow last night was the gentle, feathery sort.
 The cow parsnip almost looks like it is in bloom.
 For more macro photos of flowers, click the icon on the right.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Watery Wednesday

More photos from Lake Ontario.
 Where you have waves in winter, you have icicles.
 A wonderful combination.
 What fascinated me,
 was the sand trapped in the ice.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Sumac berries
 after a light snowfall.

Skywatch Friday

It was a clear morning, and the sun rose while we were walking. I love the golden light and the long shadows of dawn.
 For more photos of the skies around the world, click the icon on the right.

Snow on the Mint

After a day of romance, let's get back to reality.
 We only had about six inches of snow over the weekend, so the mint at the border of the garden is still peeking out.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


An old stump,
 covered with vines.

Fish Teeth

A couple of the fish we did not want the dogs rolling in, during our trip last month. I found the teeth fascinating.
 I think they are pike, or muskies.


One of the stops along the 401 highway has a couple of llamas.
 They are very supercilious looking creatures.
 And they weren't too happy about the dogs.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tulips at the Grocery Store

The spring flowers are starting to appear
 at the grocery stores,
reminding us that spring will come again.

Watery Wednesday

Taken a few weeks ago, during the melt. The water pooled on top of the ice, and reflected the trees.
 To get more cyberwet, click the icon on the right.

Lake Ontario

Living in Ottawa, I seldom get to a body of water
 large enough to have waves.
 When I do, I enjoy it to the fullest.
 It was much too cold for wading,
 but we could admire the bits of ice floating
 on the surface.
 Then walk back to the car, and look for hot chocolate.