Sunday, December 5, 2010

Today's Flowers

This small shrub was blooming early in the summer, 
 scenting the air all around, at the college.
 To see more flowers from around the world, click the icon on the right.


  1. wow, I love these bunches of fragrant flowers! overwhelming..

  2. What prolific bloomer! Beautiful!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'd love to be here again!

  3. I think we have some of these at my workplace. Wonderful scent!

  4. First I have to tell you how much I love your header photo, that is gorgeous.

    That little bush has lots of beautiful blooms. It has been cold and snowy here for over a week so a look back at summer is very nice right now.

  5. Beautiful blooms and I can imagine the sweet scent filling the air - gorgeous!

  6. That's a beautiful shrub. Nice to have summer memories to look at.

  7. It is a Daphne, not an easy shrub to grow. It looks wonderful in your garden. I love a perfumed garden.

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