Thursday, December 9, 2010

Designs in the Snow

As I was getting into my car at the mall, I noticed these designs in the snow beside the front tire.
 If I remember my high school chemistry, they would be a result of the salt reacting with the water in the snow, the sodium skithering around.
 I wonder what other shoppers thought about my photographing the parking lot...


  1. Ja, great! very interesting and creative pictures.. i liked..

  2. What beautiful designs! In fact ... that top one looks like a heart! Therefore, I am going to take the liberty of linking you to today's Guest Heart Thursday - I hope you don't mind! :-}

  3. Now you are going to have me looking down at the ground too! Good catch!

  4. Howdy Judy
    Oh wow these are awesome images.
    You could create a wonderful coffee table book or calendar with images like yours they are so beautiful thank you for sharing !
    Have a great rest of the week .
    Until next time
    Happy Trails

  5. The top one really does have a heart feel to it...beautiful!

  6. These are great designs. You've got a great eye to see and capture them.

  7. How pretty! That's cool that you spotted those. :)

  8. I thought it was a snake at first...
