Thursday, November 18, 2010

Himalayan Balsam

I have never found out the name for this flower,
 but it grows all along one of the streams
 that flow through Kanata.
 I love the way the sun flows through the petals!


  1. We had these. They were yellow and pinks. When the seeds ripen and dry they pop and out the seeds fly.
    touch-me-not, I believe they are called!

  2. Beautiful flowers, the color is really pleasant.. great shots..

  3. Himalayan Balsam.
    Same family as Buzy Lizzie, and Jewel weed but somewhat different in size.

    Actually a dangerous weed as it chokes streams and is hard to eradicate. I had to pull out more than 300 seedlings, when I was a little lazy the year before :-)

    Stranmge, when you think how pretty it is.

  4. You're right - the sun shining through the petals in that bottom photo is very ethereal! So many different shades of pink.

    P.S. You were featured on Guest Heart Thursday! Thank you!

  5. I'm sorry I can't help you identify this plant, but I agree that the blossoms are beautiful.

  6. Your photos are very beautiful! I've seen those flowers along the river Moselle near my place!
    Have a look here:

    Thanks for sharing;o)

    Have a nice weekend****

  7. I love that pretty things can cause so much trouble.

  8. Hello, I stumbled upon your blog by clicking the next blog button on top of mine. Your pictures are lovely. I have enjoyed looking at some of your older post, and love all your photos. You see many things the same way I do, through my camera lens, of course. Nice to meet you,

  9. It's good you collect the photos for these gray winter days. Now you can have some color when you most need it.
