Friday, October 15, 2010

Rocks in the Water, or Beside the Water

Back to Wicklow beach
 to look at the rocks.
 Husband was amused that I was stopping
 every few feet to photograph the rocks and the water swirling around them.
But it was a sunny day, and I was having fun.


  1. I have left behind so many rocks! I love them.
    I can empathise. Hubby always has to stop while I take photos.
    It is the price of being married to an eager photographer! I am wife #3 and he knows how to treat me!

    ...."Yes, dear."

  2. Agates......very 'dressy' rocks! How wonderful to see them like this.

  3. I'm glad you stopped to get these photos -- they are really wonderful.

  4. Judy I really enjoy your photos...
