Thursday, October 7, 2010

Esker Road

We took a side trip along part of Esker Road, just to see what it was like, and found this charming view.
I wonder what it will look like in December, the next time we are going this way...


  1. I am truly jealous of the beautiful fall colors on the trees. That's something we don't get to see in south Florida and I miss it.
    Thanks for letting me enjoy yours, I love it!

  2. You all are far ahead of us in the beautiful fall color. All the drought periods we suffered here in the western mountains of VA in past months really did a job on hurting fall foliage. Our leaves are going quickly but void of this type color. Your shots really captured the feel of fall beautifully. Maybe this weekend when we go on our big hike in a state park, we will actually see and be able to shoot vivid color...and maybe some woody critters, too. That would be nice. Seeing your fencing shot made me sad that ours here in front of the old farm house rotted and is gone. All I have left are photos from 32 years ago. These pictures are lovely. Thanks for your visit to see my cloud monster...I really think that one is pretty cool. Please come back again.


  3. Sometimes the off roads away from the freeways provides much better views. You certainly found some pretty sights.

  4. you always capture such wonderful photos Judy...

  5. You got some wonderful autumn pictures along this road. I can hardly wait to see the winter pictures you'll get in December.
