Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Watery Wednesday

First time this year that a great blue heron

has consented to have his photo taken.

Hopefully not the last...


  1. i hope I had time to take pictures just like you have...

    by the way, I really enjoy your photos. they remind me that it's still a beautiful world after all.

    thank you for sharing.

    have a nice day!

  2. Wonderful photos of the heron, just love how he reflects in the calm water.

  3. Oooooh - I love blue herons! So majestic and regal! Those reflections are wonderful!

  4. Great capture!! I can never get that close to the Herons around here. I guess I must just be to loud in the bushes and by the time I get my camera ready, off they go. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Congratulations, Judy! They are hard to get...at least I think so!

  6. You captured the reflection so beautifully! Would have also loved to see on tighter composition only of the bird and it's reflection!!!

    Pixellicious Photos
