Thursday, June 17, 2010

Skywatch Friday

The yellow sweet clover is starting to bloom.

The flowers are tiny,

but when you see a clump of them altogether,

they light up the field.


  1. You are way too clever to take these shots Judy. How did you manage to tell that little darling not to go away?

    I am fascinated!

  2. Delightful yellow sweet clovers! I thought they were very big until I saw the ant. Nice pictures. :)

  3. I never imagine how small the flowers are until I saw the tiny visitor crawling. :)

  4. Lovely shots of the clover and sky! Very pretty. Happy skywatching!

  5. What a beautiful sky backdrop for your pretty little plant. Really a neat sky photo.

  6. Nice shots. say hi to your BIG ant for me and I like your blue sky.XXX Don

  7. Nice selection for Skywatch Friday Judy. I find that I often miss out by overlooking the small and commonplace plants. They are very rewarding

  8. Beautiful! Our sweet clover is white, and just as tiny. I haven't been able to get a picture of it yet! The ant is the perfect touch!

  9. I really like all of your images, and that ant is brilliant! We don't get ants that big here but I lived in Greece for a while and they have them there. They are very entertaining to watch and can pick up huge things. In fact I think ants and the strongest living things on the planet in terms of size/ weight ratio.

  10. All the photos are beautiful but the last one with an ant is my favorite.
