Saturday, June 26, 2010

Macro Flowers Saturday

The milkweed is blooming. It smells so sweet,

although I do not remember ever noticing that before.

I was raised to think it was a weed, and had no purpose, other than home to monarch caterpillars. Now, I can admire its beauty.


  1. I was raised to think the same thing, but aren't they lovely? I let them grow if they enter my spaces. They truly are beauties.

  2. I totally love your work. What a luscious series of macros. I've taken the liberty of adding you to my blogroll of fave blogs - hope that's OK.

  3. Oh how dainty they are, and I like it's name...milkweed. Sounds so sweet and full of life. Thanks for sharing, I have seen a new flower today.

  4. Weeds are just beautiful flowers in everyday clothes!

  5. Yes Judy, even the weedy blooms are scattered throughout the meadow, by the roadside, by the riverside, hillside, mountainside... their purpose is to refresh our sense of sight, our sense of appreciation to every creation beautiful.


  6. Those are lovely little blossoms. Taking photos in macro really does do wildflowers such great justice.

    I never see milkweed here in Scotland but on checking our native plants encycopedia there is a native milkweed.

    It wasn't until I took up photography that I began to see the beauty in weeds wildflowers!

    Thanks for visiting my Centre of Interest photoblog - you might be interested in my blog post this weekend on my other blog leavesnbloom as I record all the wildflowers in my local area once a month.

    :) Rosie

  7. Hello, and thank you for your nice comment on my blog! I am new in this macro world, but I think I will make a macroblog just for these pictures too. I like your pictures and specially the presentation of them. Have a nice day!

  8. We decided to let the milkweed grow out by the driveway this year ... hopefully to attract some monarchs. Now I can't wait for it to bloom to see it's beauty!!!

  9. How gorgeous they are! You photos are amazing.

  10. Lovely - great close ups - makes you see them in a different light!

  11. This is a different kind of milkweed than what we have here but my, it is amazing! Fantastic photos of the world unseen...

  12. These tiny flower is very pretty and I like the color. I have to look around here if we have milkweed too seems I am not familiar with this one. Time to go hunting. Happy Sunday!

    Purple blossom

  13. i love these little buds and blooms, gorgeous photos of them...i have some somewhere on my harddrive too...i didn't notice the scent will have to check them out next time...i didn't know they attract monachs...will have to find a place to let them grow in my garden.

  14. Your header photo, the lilac, how come it is white? I always remember the purple lilac when I was in Canada 30 years ago.

  15. Such neat details in the flowers that I never noticed before. I especially like the last one
