Monday, May 3, 2010


The daffodils have been bravely blooming their little hearts out

while I have been out and about,

looking for more exotic flowers.

But they are always in the garden, waiting to greet me when I come home!


  1. So graceful... I love the all-white one! Our daffs are just now blooming... everything's been sooo slow this year. Happy Day, Judy ((HUGS))

  2. Lovely daffies! The raindrops on the last one is so awesome. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photography. Very nice close-ups.

  3. When the dafs are smiling so are we!A sure sign that Spring is here and May flowers in full bloom!

  4. I've never seen a pure white one before - its lovely. Yes I agree its a lovely sight to see them in bloom - its a very cheerful welcome home.

  5. Our daffodils are long gone - these are extra special to me!!! Beautiful!

    PS I notice in your header - your white lilacs are starting to bloom!!!

  6. They are gorgeous and your macros are exquisite. I've never seen a pure white daffodil either.
    Thanks for sharing it on Macro flowers Saturday. At this meme too you have to link back to the blog in some way, you know, just forgotten.
    Have a nice week!
