Saturday, March 20, 2010

Someone Ate My Crocus

I had a beautiful purple crocus, the first one to open,

and when I went outside in the morning, it was in pieces. The stem had been bitten through, the petals were on the ground, and the stamens had been carried a couple of feet away.


  1. hej Judy...
    i feel very itneresting the flower on the stone...great
    havea nice weekend, dear
    thanks for the commment

  2. We are having problems with flower-eating critters this year as well. Wonder why ...

  3. All the little critters are excited to see green too, it must have been tasty. Sorry about the blooms.

  4. From what you describe, it sounds more like it was pecked off by a bird. When i lived in the midwest, you could sit and watch the birds just go along "pecking" at the new shoots. Very exasperating! Sorry you lost your crocus! :(

  5. ALL of my Crocus have been eaten by some little critter(s). Any ideas on how to curb their appetite since I have many more to sprout? I moved to Richmond Hill, ON and this is my first spring growing Crocus here. I'm frustrated!! HELP!!
