Saturday, January 2, 2010

More Geese

While we were at the beach, a flock of geese went over. I like geese. You may have noticed that.
But someone in the car, who shall remain nameless, chastised me for watching the geese overhead, rather than the Toronto traffic, while I was driving through the end of rush hour. Some people's husbands! It's not like I had the camera out!!


  1. Happy New Year, Judy. And keep yer britches between the ditches when birding and driving!

  2. Beautiful geese photos, especially the last one. I've tried to get pictures of the geese flying overhead here, but - even when not driving - I can't seem to get even ONE shot like these!

  3. I also like that last picture, although they are all wonderful. You'll have to get your husband to drive so you can get more great pictures like this!

  4. Driving and watching geese flying overhead can certainly be dangerous. I chastise my sister for taking photos while she's driving too. These geese seem a bit confused ... definitely out of 'formation' but they're great shots and I appreciate you sharing ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  5. Ha! I like geese too. :)

  6. These are beautiful. I love the clarity of the first and the dream-like quality of the last one.
