Sunday, January 31, 2010

Miss Kitty

Miss Kitty was upstairs watching television. We still had the baby gate in the doorway, so Annie could not come into the room. It is progress. We should get her nails trimmed soon.


  1. I don't think I have ever seen such gentle looking eyes on a cat. She looks like such a sweetheart!

  2. Judy have your by chance catnapped one of my cats!! I have two black cats and yours looks just like them!!PURR-Zzzz =^.^=
    I found your TF post very interesting. I did not know that the artichoke has such a lovely blossom!! BEE-utiful!

  3. She is so pretty and her eyes are beautiful!

  4. Such an adorable cat.

    have a good week

  5. Oh, this little girl is a beauty! Looks very much like my sister's cat! Those golden eyes...Happy Week, Judy! :o)

  6. Judy: It must have been a good show because she is really concentrating.

  7. Ours were just 'done' at the vet's. After only $300...
    Thank you for visiting My Muskoka !
    The moon shots were tricky. I really have to prepare next time!

  8. Miss Kitty looks so much like my Grandson Al.

  9. what a sweetie. Cats watching TV always makes me laugh. Does she try to go behind it to see where everything is coming from? She's beautiful!

  10. Gorgeous, pensive expression! Love this!

  11. Miss Kitty is so cute and she looks like mine!

  12. Miss Kitty is adorable and she looks very snug.

  13. Miss Kitty is getting her nails trimmed - I had my 3 cats declawed last year & I'm glad I did, it helped out a lot.

    Your flower photos are really nice & I'm so longing for spring so I can take more pics around here.

    I scrolled down & saw Jake & he's GORGEOUS - Good lookin' pup!
