I took these photos a couple of weeks ago, when the leaves had more colour than they do now.
It was an overcast morning, so the water was not inviting.
There was enough wind to make ripples, though, and they always do interesting things to the reflections of the trees.
I love observing the different colours of the different species.
Love the white berries. Saw them on another site recently.
ReplyDeleteWe are supposed to have a watery Wednesday here--raining;)
Nice shrubbery--looks like the Monty Python crew has been busy (if you don't know that skit, it's worth finding on YouTube). Nice Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea) berries, I think.
ReplyDeleteNice to look back at the water. Soon the water will be FROZEN~!
ReplyDeletebeautiful water photos...love the leaves against the water...
ReplyDeleteThe combo of foliage and water is very pretty!
ReplyDeleteI especially like the beauty of the first one.
The autumn color against the ripples in the water is very beautiful. Well done!