Thursday, October 8, 2009

Carp Farmer's Market

Fall is a great time for produce at the Market.

Peppers of various colours, and tomatoes,

beets with their greens, and purples,

radishes in rainbow hues,

and carrots! I have to get multicoloured carrots for Thanksgiving dinner!


  1. I came looking for Watery Wednesday but couldn't resist leaving a comment here. Let's hear it for 'great minds' thinking alike! I did a Farmer's Market fresh produce post at Happily Retired Gal recently. Don't you LOVE Farmer's Markets???
    Hugs and blessings,

  2. These are all beautiful photos, the produce looks so fresh. I keep seeing the purple bell peppers at everyone's farmers' markets but not at ours.

    I'm hosting a Harvest Festival Photo Challenge on Nov 7th on my other blog. I hope you will join us.

