Monday, July 27, 2009


I picked myself a bouquet of flowers -

Queen Anne's lace, purple loosestrife, tansy, some wild grass, and a bit of sweet clover.

I love the mixture of colours and textures, shapes and colours. This Queen Anne's lace shows the purple heart of the flowerhead.


  1. Absolutely beautiful. I'd pick a mixed bouquet over a bunch of florist's roses any day.

  2. What a beautiful bouquet. You did a great job of putting together wonderful colors and textures.

  3. Beautiful bouquet! Isn't wildflowers the the most lovely flowers to fresh up in our homes!?

  4. I saw a Queen's Anne Lace on another blog the other day talking about the center. I never knew so I took my camera and shot a macro - amazing what we miss sometimes.
    This bouquet is as lovely as one from the florist!

  5. How beautiful, I agree with Carletta. When I was taking close-ups with my zoom lens the man sitting next to me looked very strangely as I don't think he quite understood what I was taking, but the closer you can look at certain things, the beauty of them really stands out. These however are beautiful to start off with, their colors are exquisite. A spectacular arrangement of wildflowers, thank you for sharing them.
