Hi! Long time Judy. I've really kept away lately and was quite surprised to have a quick respons to my occaisional post from you. I still feel quite lame and it seems to take quite some time to get over Luca but slowly I'm getting there. These are indeed lovely blooms. We have them also in the wild but they are smaller than their cultivated cousins. Your irises and peonies are just lovely. Our irises are blooming at the cottage but the peonies are still to come. They are much the same as what you have pictured here in your blog. I don't feel for flower pictures in my blog yet but will then have loads of pictures to use during the winter instead. The ducklings you have captured are so lovely too. Anyway thanks for the sweet cat story. Fancy being able to teach a cat to fetch and jump. Great stuff.
Hi! Long time Judy. I've really kept away lately and was quite surprised to have a quick respons to my occaisional post from you.
ReplyDeleteI still feel quite lame and it seems to take quite some time to get over Luca but slowly I'm getting there.
These are indeed lovely blooms. We have them also in the wild but they are smaller than their cultivated cousins.
Your irises and peonies are just lovely. Our irises are blooming at the cottage but the peonies are still to come. They are much the same as what you have pictured here in your blog. I don't feel for flower pictures in my blog yet but will then have loads of pictures to use during the winter instead.
The ducklings you have captured are so lovely too.
Anyway thanks for the sweet cat story. Fancy being able to teach a cat to fetch and jump. Great stuff.