Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Peonies at Algonquin College

I like the contrast of the blowsy peonies with the fine leaves of the artemesia.

Watery Wednesday

Early morning, and the clouds were reflected in the water, before Annie went wading.

Irises at Algonquin College


Mind Reader


Dusky Challenger

Spinning Wheel


We pass this fence on some of out walks,

and a single clematis flower pokes its head through.

But the one in the church garden is able to lift its head to the sun!

And sit in the shade, as well!

Milkweed and Cow Parsnip Flowers

The cow parsnip and the milkweed are starting to bloom.

I am so happy that I got the new camera last fall, as I never got such good photos with the old one.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Peonies at Algonquin College

We are finally getting into some of the unusual peonies.

Today's Flowers

I am learning about the wild flowers found in the area. This is meadow salsify, which looks a lot like goatsbeard, but does not have the enlarged stem behind the flower.

And daisies are one of the flowers that everyone knows.

How about sweet clover? Very different from the spherical flower heads of the red or white clover.

This is birdsfoot trefoil. There is a lot of it growing in the lawns in the parks, now that the city is not spraying so much.

And vipers bugloss grows in the waste ground, before much else can get a toehold there.


Last Sunday, this turtle was trying to cross the highway, so we turned around and carried it to the weeds at the side of the road.

Then yesterday, its cousin was on the rocky outcrop where I photographed the snapping turtle a few weeks ago.

Is this one also laying eggs?

Black Crowned Night Heron

I have been seeing this fellow around the catchment basin a lot lately.

The only picture in the book that comes close to looking like him is one of the night herons. So what is he doing out at 7:30 in the morning?


The chicory has started to bloom.

My mother calls this blue devil, because once it gets into a field,

it is the very devil to get rid of.

But since I am not a farmer, I can enjoy it at the side of the roads and paths.

Roses at Algonquin College

This old climbing rose had no label.

The trunk was nearly six inches across, at the ground.

But this bumblebee loved it.

As did the honey bee.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Peonies at Algonquin College

Some of the labels were missing or broken, like this one.