Friday, May 22, 2009

Apple Blossoms

I love the soft pink and white of these flowers.

My daughters used to have a stuffed lamb named Apple Blossom, white with pink inside her ears.


  1. Judy,

    they are just beautiful...I can almost smell them...

  2. Fruit blossoming happens so early here in north Texas that we hardly have time to enjoy much spectacle. Our peaches and pears were lovely this year, but already well into fruiting. These photos give me a chance to enjoy early spring all over again.

  3. Hello Judy. Just popping in for a quick glance as we are soon off to the cottage. Also i want to thank you for your invaluable support. It really is a god send to have such friends as you.
    Your apple blooms are so sweet. Lovely lovely photos. Also your watery Wednesday post is marvellous. I really love that landscape and them colours.
    Know Judy I don't beleive one can get tired of tulips. Not even after hundreds of photos. At least I hope I never will.
    Have a lovely weekend and 'see' you soon.

  4. Very nice! I think it's interesting that all fruit blossoms basically look the same.

  5. You got some beautiful pictures of the apple blossoms. Thanks for sharing them with us.
