Sunday, April 5, 2009

Today's Flowers

There were tulips at the flower show. And a gnome.

Tulips come in so many colours,

and shapes.

The tulips in the gardens are about four inches high now.


  1. Beautiful captures. Love the spring flowers.

  2. Tulips are the queens of all spring flowers. They are just hard to beat. I just love these. The pointy ones next to last are just so gorgeous and the gnome is cute looking up like that.

  3. Your tulips are wonderful! Agree with Tarolino; they are the queen of spring flowers!

    You captured them so well!

  4. Thanks for the info abt forsythia Judy. It hardly ever gets more than tops -20 (centigrades here) and even that for quite shorts spells of time. I think this winter -15 was the coldest so it could very well be that forsythia would suit our climate then. I have to start looking into it.

  5. I love the smell of tulips!They just won't grow here,in Florida.I have to buy them at the grocery store.Thanks for the post and thanks for the reminder of what a great flower they really are.

  6. Thank you so much for identifying the scilla on my post! I am so happy when I learn the names of local flowers.

    Love the tulips, especially the purple next to yellows and the open pinkish purple one, second to bottom.

  7. Judy: The Tulips are a beautiful color with all the variation. I have a dark purple onr I love.

  8. Lovely tulips, now I'm learning and seeing so much about tulips. So pretty blooms, one of my favorites.

  9. Splendid pictures of classy tulips.
    I am not up to date with tulips anymore as they do not grow in my garden, but what I have seen so far they are getting more exotic looking every year.

  10. Beautiful pictures of tulips...
    I have in purple and red too..
    I love tulips!

  11. Lovely tulips, Judy!

    Thanks for your visit!

    Have a nice week!

  12. The tulips are lovely. Love the variety of colors.

  13. The second picture is amazing. Come to think of it, it looks like a rooster's feathers. He he ... I'm right, am I not?

  14. So pretty! There are so many colors and so many kinds of tulips. Great shots. I love that little gnome peaking up over the walkway. Too cute! :-)

  15. Tulips and Grape Hyacinths go so well together. Nice shots.

  16. What a beautiful garden. Beautiful photos.

  17. Very fitting for the season (the tulips, I mean) :-)

  18. Beautiful tulips! I would love to have them in my garden. Have a great week :)

  19. This is a wonderful study in tulips. Great photographs!

  20. I love the little gnome peekin up, the flowers are beautiful

  21. I love the first shot with the little gnome picking out! I can't stop smiling at that.
    Sure hope you bought some of these beauties. :)

  22. Hi Judy,
    Wonderful tulips, beautiful colors also!
    Thanks for posting for TODAY'S FLOWERS.

