Tuesday, April 28, 2009


This little stream has many faces.

It is only three feet wide, but there is quite a drop from the beginning to the end of it.

And it is easy to get to, as well.


The forsythia has gone from bud to blossom.

My shrub is about 10 feet tall, and ragged, which I prefer to the ones that are nicely pruned.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Pussywillows, Week Three

There is more than one kind of pussywillow! These are so funky!

The trees I have been following are getting close to the end of their blooming season.

There were a lot of flowers on the ground.

This may be the last pussywillow post, but I will check next week to be sure.

It has been interesting, watching them bloom!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Today's Flowers

I think this is a red or swamp maple, female.

Nothing else in the book looks even remotely similar.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

New Leaves in the Woods

Annie had to help? me photograph the new leaves.

But most of the time she was rolling in the dead leaves,

leaving me to admire the new ones.

These are the leaves of the dogtooth violet or trout lily. And the first trilliums are almost ready to bloom.

Friday, April 24, 2009

First Tulips

Most of the tulips I see do not even have buds yet, but these are blooming!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Morning Clouds with Geese

The geese were all heading out for breakfast.

Most of them were not very close to me.

But the faint traces bring a hint of life to the cloudscapes.

Skywatch Friday

Yesterday was an incredible day for clouds!

All of these photos were taken within two hours.

It's the first time I have ever wanted to hit all the red lights on the way home,

so I could snap another couple of shots while I was stopped.

After the Rain

If you use your imagination, this is a male cardinal, singing his little heart out. They prefer the top branches of the trees.

The forsythia is starting to bloom, as are the violets in my yard.

Raindrops on the daffodils, and the swelling bud of the lilac bush.

More raindrops on the peony sprouts. I love the way the leaflets are starting to unfurl!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lady's Mantle

The lady's mantle leaves are a couple of inches across now,

but they still collect the droplets of rain and dew.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Watery Wednesday

The streams are all running high, and that makes a large canvas for the reflections.

In a couple of months, we will not see the reflections of the sky in the woodland streams.

But there will be green leaves and grass to reflect.