Monday, February 16, 2009

Family Day

The province of Ontario has declared a new statutory holiday, called Family Day.

Since our two foots are not in this province, we had to make do with the four footed kids.

Todd helped me get some photos of Jake doing what he does best - running. Annie did her best to keep up. Gloria said dogs are quite ridiculous, and insisted on a lap.


  1. It looks as if you had a very enjoyable Family Day with your four-footed 'children'.

  2. They look like they were having such a good time. :-)

  3. Family day? What a good idea!
    your dogs are great! My D'Ora would have great pleasure to play with them!
    I'm also happy that spring will come soon - in one or two months. Today we had 20cm snow in Vienna. Imagine, in the city!

  4. I like the first picture of Annie. It really captures her personality
