Thursday, December 30, 2010

Skywatch Friday

There is infinite variety in the patterns the wind creates in cattail fluff.
 For more photos of the skies around the world, click the icon to the right.

Stained Glass

There is a row of these stained glass windows around the front of the Museum of Nature.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Special Exhibit

The special exhibit at the Museum of Nature now is called Moths at Large.
 The moths were captured, dried and scanned, then printed and framed. When they say "At Large", they mean it, too.
Here is the artist printing off a copy of the male luna moth,
 and husband admiring the female luna moth.
 This is a pink underwing.
 Most of the pictures are of one side only, but a couple of them have both sides. Here, the tent caterpillar moth
 is looking at Daughter.

Reindeer at the Museum of Nature

The diorama of the caribou has been at the Museum of Nature as long as I can remember,
 but I don't remember ever having seen Rudolph there before.
 The red ball was suspended about a quarter of an inch in front of his nose.
 Dasher was in a display case with some large birds, while Cupid was playing amongst the minerals.
I was using available light, but you can read the placards.


We had a sunny day this week, and I love the way the sun shone through the icicles on the neighbour's roof.
 I was not going to stand quite directly under them, even if it was very cold.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Watery Wednesday

For a brief distance,
 the Esker Road runs beside the Moira River.
 Reflections and ice in the water.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Today's Flowers

Amaryllis in full bloom, at the grocery store. For more flowers from around the world, click the icon on the right.

Esker Road

In October, I showed you the scenery along the Esker Road,
and wondered what those fields would look like
 with snow. 
 And now we know.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Annie had a wonderful time at the beach last week. Husband did not want her playing with any of the dead fish we found, though.

Red Berries

I have never noticed this shrub before,
 but the snow decorated the red berries
 in keeping with the season.


Going even closer to the frosty grass yesterday, you can see the frost crystals.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Macro Flowers Saturday

Frost on the grass, with snow.
 To see more macro photos of flowers and other vegetation, click the icon on the right.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Skywatch Friday

This tree with a crooked branch was beside a country road.
 For more photos of the skies around the world, click the icon on the right.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Watery Wednesday

I was out of town, visiting family, for a few days,
 and I stopped to admire this unknown river along the way.
 For more watery photos from around the world, click the icon on the right.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I love the way birchbark peels from the tree.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Cafe Press

Gentle readers, I am overwhelmed by your kind comments. I am filled with warm fuzzies every time I read them.
You have suggested that I attempt publishing my photos, and I have dabbled a toe in those waters. I have created a store at Cafe Press where you can purchase notebooks and greeting cards with this photo.
I intend to change the photo about once a month, and to continue my attempts at learning this new skill. In the meantime, drop by and have a look. The address is:

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Frozen Pond

I don't know why the ice has frozen in these patterns,
 but this is what the pond looks like now.